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About Me

Hey, hey, I’m Temmy! I’m a Personal Stylist turned Personal Style & Body Confidence Coach. I enjoy showing women how to Dress for Success, so they can look gorgeous on the outside and feel beautiful on the inside, gain confidence and become empowered to step out to win daily, as the best version of themselves.

Welcome to The Stylencer; a body positive and empowerment space, where we help you embrace your unique body and special flair, find your voice,  and learn to express yourself through your very own fabulous and authentic personal style.

Well, I haven’t always been a style coach, and even though, It may be hard to believe it now, I’ve had more than my own fair share of style and image struggles and the shame, confusion and overwhelm, that goes with that!

I remember how, following pregnancies and childbirth, my body changed, so much that I didn’t even want to look at myself in the mirror. I gained a lot of weight and I had no clue had to dress my new body. I went through episodes of what i can only describe as; dress up drama, closet meltdowns and shopping woes, I had a closet full of clothes but never had anything to wear, because i could not figure out how to put together outfits that looked good on me and made me feel good about myself. I hated my closet and shopping was extremely confusing and overwhelming for me, it always sent me into a panic! I was constantly ashamed of my appearance and self-image and my confidence went downhill.

Thankfully, this is no longer my reality, I broke the ‘flipping style code’! I went to style school, took several style programs and eventually, I  figured Style out, and became a personal stylist! Today, I’m a style coach teaching women like you how to Style-Up for success and confidence.  I learnt styling secrets that transformed my appearance, image, and life!  I finally understand my body! And now i help moms like you understand their bodies, develop body confidence and craft their unique and fabulous personal style, so they can regain confidence and become empowered to show up to win daily, as the best version of themselves.

My humble brag is only to let you know that there is hope! So, trust me when i say this, i could do this, then you’d better believe that ANYONE can! And Yes, that includes YOU! You most definitely can transform your appearance, image and style!

Still, don’t believe me? Then, I’ll show you a picture. I really hated taking pictures back then, but i was able to find a couple. As they say, a picture speaks louder than a thousand words! Peep my before and after pictures below, and don’t forget to pick up your jaws off the floor. Lol!

Seriously, I believe in you and in the incredible transformation that you will achieve. I will provide you a clear roadmap with actionable steps and hold you by your hand as you on your journey. No one is perfect, your body is a gift; perfect for YOU, even with the ‘imperfections’! When you understand how powerful you are, you are able to embrace your true beauty that lies within you and bring it onto the outside to shine for everyone to see. That is when you experience confidence, security and empowerment that flows into every aspect of your life. Just like it did for me!

No one is born with Style! We all have to learn it one way or another; either from the people around us, the media/social media, or from an EXPERT! I invite you to choose the quicker, easier, more efficient way and learn from me! Join my 2 weeks To Fabulous Style Bootcamp where i show you the big-girl secrets to styling that mama didn’t teach you, only because she didn’t know how herself. In 2 weeks You will achieve amazing transformation in your Style, Image, and Closet….. all without having to lose weight or spend more money buying new clothes!

You can also check out our One-on One Style Transformation sessions below.

Let’s get you started on your transformation journey so you can start looking fabulous, find your voice, & regain your confidence to start winning and making impact in your own space.

Remember You’re just one click away……..

I’ve got so much to share with you and i can’t wait to see your incredible transformation!

